Federal Judges Have Some Strong Thoughts On The Courthouse Cafeteria Menu
Judges have issues with the courthouse menu and let the entire courthouse know about them.
Judges have issues with the courthouse menu and let the entire courthouse know about them.
Years after its dissolution, this law firm is making news headlines today for its latest -- possibly final -- legal victory.
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Biglaw firm representing a media company with a dog logo gets sent to the doghouse.
The Southern District of New York provides a model for other courts to follow.
A decision just handed down by a judge of the Southern District of New York has important implications for law firm dissolutions.
I don’t always cover electronic discovery, but when I do, I prefer juicy court decisions. And that’s what we have today. The United States District Court for the Southern District of New York released a blunt, controversial ruling last week, slamming down accounting firm KPMG for requesting a less intense preservation obligation. The case has […]
This complete system built for lawyers simplifies the complex world of law firm finance.
Call it RICO not so suave. One of the nation’s biggest legal headhunting firms, Major, Lindsey & Africa, is withdrawing its RICO action against a former employee — after a federal judge offered a somewhat snarky assessment of the merits of MLA’s case. As reported by Leigh Jones over at the National Law Journal, on […]
[D]efendants oppose the motion on the grounds that the plaintiffs have failed to specify what their job duties are, and so have not established that they and the other members of the proposed class are similarly situated. This is a ridiculous argument. The Court has not spent her life under a toadstool — I know […]